

更新时间:2024-01-07 20:54:46作者:巧巧


How many is a billion?



In British English, a billion used to be equivalent to a million million (i.e. 1,000,000,000,000), while in American English it has always equated to a thousand million (i.e. 1,000,000,000). British English has now adopted the American figure, though, so that a billion equals a thousand million in both varieties of English.


The same sort of change has taken place with the meaning of trillion. In British English, a trillion used to mean a million million million (i.e. 1,000,000,000,000,000,000). Nowadays, it's generally held to be equivalent to a million million (1,000,000,000,000), as it is in American English.


The same evolution can be seen with quadrillion and quintillion. In British English, a quadrillion used to mean a thousand raised to the power of eight, and is now understood to be a thousand raised to the power of five. A quintillion, in British English, used to mean a million raised to the power of five, and is now most commonly held to be a thousand raised to the power of six.

千万亿次和千万亿次也经历了这样的演变。在英式英语中,1 quadrant过去表示一千的八次方,现在表示一千的五次方。

而1 quintillion以前是指百万的五次方,现在多指千的六次方。

Even higher are sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, and decillion, some of which are not common enough to be included in OxfordDictionaries.com yet.



Other terms follow the same linguistic pattern (ending with -illion) but do not refer to precise numbers. These include jillion, zillion, squillion, gazillion, kazillion, bajillion, and bazillion. All of these words are used informally to refer to an extremely or indefinitely large number.

另外还有一些以-ill lion结尾的词,但都不是指具体准确的数字。

These words are billions, billions, tens of millions, tens of millions, tens of millions, tens of millions and billions of dollars. They are mainly used in informal situations.

