

更新时间:2023-12-15 04:30:02作者:嘉佳老师



  Dear _,

  I have always enjoyed studying Maths, Physics and Chemistry, and I would like the opportunity to continue this study. Chemical Engineering appeals to me because of the challenges involved in the application of scientific theory to practical, real world problems such as how to deal with nuclear waste. I particularly look forward to studying fluid dynamics as I was introduced to this during the Engineering Education Scheme (EES). I am aware that in today’s world chemical engineering has an increasingly important role across a wide range of industries from pharmaceuticals to petrochemicals. The broad range of career paths, and the opportunity to contribute to society through technological innovation, is for me, one of the main attractions of chemical engineering.

  I have applied to take part in the Year In Industry scheme during which I hope to gain practical experience, as well as greater maturity enabling me to go into my degree course with improved skills and broader experience. I also hope to study e-learning courses on project management and presentation skills run by the IChemE. In Year 12 I took part in the EES, which improved my understanding and skills in team working, time management, and report writing, as well as visual and oral presentation. Throughout the course of the project the team had to frequently correspond with mentors in industry and academia and this experience has broadened my appreciation of practice and application in a real life situation. In July I attended a week-long ‘Into Engineering’ seminar run by REACT Engineering. Working in two teams, we were given a design exercise based upon a typical decommissioning project. I also attended a Headstart course at Newcastle University, which I thoroughly enjoyed. One of the main activities was to design, manufacture and test a small crane. I found both of these experiences very challenging, as we were given only limited time so we had to prioritise our tasks and carefully plan our work.This year a fellow student and I were awarded £500 by the European Scholarship Prize to fund a visit to Prague to do research for our A-level History coursework. I gained an understanding of the city’s culture and history and further developed my independence. During the summer I represented my school on a Connexions review of a government white paper on 14-19 education. I gained an insight into the government’s proposals and learned a lot about working with different groups of people. Last year I was part of the editorial team for the school magazine. I wrote a number of articles and I was responsible for ensuring that staff contributions were ready for the deadline. I also enjoy participating in a range of sports and have represented the school at football and cricket, which has further enhanced my team working skills.In my spare time I am working towards my Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. In September I completed a 4-day expedition in the Lake District, which tested my endurance but gave me a great sense of achievement. As part of the award I have been helping at the local youth café once a week, which I am really enjoying as it gives me the chance to meet new people. I also enjoy reading, particularly books on physics and Russian history. I am really interested in computers and I am currently trying to configure a Linux based file and print server for my home network.

  For admission to a university in England you have to fill in a form from the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). They for a very reasonable fee provide all applicants to unversities and colleges in the UK with a way to apply to up to 6 universities (or multiple courses at, say 3 universities). Part of the form (apart from all the obvious details such as name and address), is half a page where you are asked to write about yourself, your interests and so on. Inevitably you have to make it sound as good as possible, as you're trying to sell yourself to the universities you're applying to...I applied to the universities of Aston, Bath, Bristol, Cambridge, Imperial College London, and Loughborough. All for an MEng (Master of Engineering degree) in Chemical Engineering, except for Bristol where I went for an MEng in Computer Science, so this is tailored towards those courses. Anyway... Here it is. I don't guarantee that you won't get bored! ;-). (NB this was written in the summer of 1999, and is therefore not too current!).Reasons for Course Choice

  Since beginning secondary school, I've been very interested in Chemistry and Computing. Besides my normal schoolwork I've read around these two subjects. Because I am also very keen on Mathematics and Physics, I want to pursue a degree course that combines all or most of these. Both of my parents are Science/Engineering graduates and they have taught me some of the qualities needed for a degree course in this field. This has encouraged me to find out about the opportunities available. Aims

  I have applied to several firms for sponsorship while at university and during a gap year, with the intention of getting Engineering-related work experience. This would give me valuable experience for the course at university. I hope to obtain a Master of Engineering degree and become employed in research and development in the oil or food industry. Eventually, I would like to do postgraduate study, and perhaps even teach Chemistry/Engineering. Interests

  I play basketball, tennis, volleyball, and I like kayaking. By far my biggest sports interest, however, is orienteering. I've won several trophies for Andalusian and league championships, and I've helped to organise regional orienteering events. I have also designed the database system for my club. My greatest interest outside school is computing. I have done a large amount of web design. I help maintain the computer systems at my father's workplace; and I also do some part time work teaching people on a one-to-one basis how to use their computers. I like writing manuals or “notes” on things related to computers, and have published an article on web design in a small US computer magazine. I have written papers on the use of data-logging and other equipment for my school's science department. This year, I was responsible for laying out my school's entire yearbook using DTP software. Recently, I was employed developing a web site and training staff for an organisation in London. When I have time I play the keyboard, and also do some sound engineering: I used to operate the mixing desk at my local church, as well as help at my parents' workplace, which is a professional recording studio. I enjoy teaching and have given weekly tuition in Maths and English. General Points

  I've lived in Spain for 14 years and am fluent in Spanish. In addition, my parents work with North Africans, Middle Easterners, Americans, Spaniards, Britons, and people of other nationalities. I have gained valuable experience growing up with many different cultures around me, and as a result appreciate the difficulties of cross-cultural communication. I have been part of several “King's Kids”, teams which perform music and dance all over Spain. This entailed travelling away from home for 3 weeks at a time, and having to work with around 60 other people. I think that this has made me a fairly rounded person, and I therefore feel confident about “fitting in” with people from any culture.





















  Dear _,

  An experienced engineer of security printing with China’s Central Bank, I now would like to scale higher intellectual heights by pursuing Ph. D. studies in mechanical engineering at your university. I believe that my strong background in CAD has adequately prepared me to embark on this endeavor.

  I have been working since 1996 for the People’s Bank of China, a Chinese version of the Federal Reserve, at its unique research institute of security printing, with the responsibility of designing the Chinese currency and the machinery to produce it. By engaging me in a variety of projects, the job afforded me ample exposure to cutting-edge developments in computer technologies, particularly in CAD software. I have, for example, recently redeveloped a purchased CAD (Computer Aided Design) software to make it more suitable for our own purposes. By adding our own part/subassembly to the database and make our own drawing criteria, we have achieved dramatically better efficiency.

  My job performance, which has won me professional respect from all of my colleagues, was achieved thanks to the strong background I acquired as a student in computer science. My undergraduate GPA ranked first among the 63 students of classmates in mechanical department, for which I was awarded first-class and second-class prizes many times. My graduate GPA ranked among the top 4% of the 105 students in my year, which won me the “San Hao” scholarship every year during the three years of my graduate studies.

  Unlike many other Chinese students, who are content with performing well in exams, I made a point of learning through my own hands-on experiences. In the Master’s program at the Beijing Institute of Printing, I gained an in-depth understanding of artificial intelligence, including expert system and genetic algorithm, especially in neural network. For my thesis, I programmed a multi-level BP neural network with C language to analyze my mathematical model, and applied much of my knowledge in optimization. I thus became able to program with a host of different computer languages, especially C++, with which I helped my graduate advisor to design a paper-cutting machine. To analyze the mechanism statically and dynamically, I programmed a software system to analyze and emulate it on screen. In undergraduate studies, I had often programmed with Fortran77 and the Basic language.

  Upon the completion of my Master’s studies, I easily passed the doctoral record examination in CAD/CAM of Beijing University, one f the top universities in China. But I gave up the opportunity in order to gain more practical experience in the industry. The decision proved to be right, as it guaranteed me better access to sophisticated facilities, such as state-of-the-art personal computers. With the People’s Bank of China, I have thus accumulated solid expertise in many kinds of operating and application software systems, particularly in CAD. I now have a firm grip on the latest developments in computer science in China.

  The challenges I met and the successes I achieved at the People’s Bank have not only endowed me with confidence but also fired off my desire to further improve myself. I have enjoyed high-quality and efficient production with the use of a kind of PC-based CAD software, MDT, developed by Autodesk Corporation. I now have a dream: some day, every person can design his favorite product with some sort of CAD software, and then search for an ideal factory over high-speed internet its production; and the factory will put specifications of the product, as it has received them via the high-speed internet into its CIMS, and out pops the product, as designed, at the end of the factory’s production line. It is a beautiful dream for every engineer, but many difficulties the speed of data-transfer and how to manage the product data among CAD, CAM, CAPP and CAE systems. These questions are fascinating, and I would like to come up with my own answers to them.

  To prepare myself for advanced studies in your country, I have persisted in improving my English proficiency. As demonstrated by my score of 700 (96%) in the verbal section of GRE, I now have an adequate command of English for undertaking graduate studies in your program.

  After carefully comparing the strengths of many universities, I find Mercy University particularly suited for my purpose. It has got the best combination of quality faculty, many state-of-the-art facilities, and an intriguing academic environment. Currently, China still lags significantly behind Western countries in mechanical engineering. I hope that, with a few years of graduate studies under your seasoned guidance, I will be able to return to my motherland and help bring mechanical engineering in my country to international standards.

  Although my ultimate objective is a Ph. D. degree, I am willing to do a Master’s degree if necessary. In either case, I would like to concentrate my studies in one or a combination of the following areas: CAD, CAM, CIMS, Computer graphics, Mechanical design, Mechanical manufacturing, Optimization, Artificial intelligence, and Robotics. Your favorable evaluation of my application will be highly appreciated.








  悉尼聚集了来自世界各地的人,不管是留学生、移民、游客,这也就意味着你能找到来自同一个国家的小伙伴,也能交到来自不同文化背景的朋友。另外,多元化还意味着,你在悉尼永远不会无聊,永远会有各种精彩的活动,例如在我大天朝的春节时,悉尼也会有大型的庆祝活动,庆祝游 行,烟火等等。


  1)在悉尼塔龙加动物园(Taronga Zoo)与动物们亲密接触。从环形码头(Circular Quay)乘坐渡轮去动物朋友们居住的水滨家园塔龙加动物园看望它们。这座动物园里生活了2,900多种外来及本土动物,包括大猩猩、老虎、豹子、黑猩猩、长颈鹿、袋鼠和考拉。

  2)悉尼歌剧院(Sydney Opera House)。沿着环形码头漫步,寻找悉尼歌剧院永不褪色的秘密。丰富多样、日程紧凑的演出计划让歌剧院成为悉尼最繁忙的音乐、艺术和表演场馆之一。参加幕后之旅(Backstage Tour),了解歌剧院背后的工作机制。这类游览活动信息量丰富,且有包括日语、普通话和法语等多种语言讲解。

  3)攀登悉尼海港大桥(Sydney Harbour Bridge)。于1932年竣工的悉尼海港大桥被亲切的称为衣架(The Coathanger),是一座名副其实的工程杰作。游客可自由地在这座横跨悉尼海港(Sydney Harbour)的宏伟建筑上漫步或骑自行车。而攀爬大桥体验则能够将你的乐趣提升到新的高度,悉尼大桥攀登公司(Bridge Climb)提供众多攀登项目,无需特别的攀登技巧就能爬上桥身,还有黎明与黄昏攀登计划可供选择。


  悉尼大学(The University of Sydney),始建于1850年,是坐落于南半球金融、贸易与旅游中心——澳大利亚新南威尔士州首府悉尼的世界顶尖研究型大学。悉尼大学是全澳历史最悠久的大学,是整个南半球的学术殿堂和全球知名的高等学府。












  Dear _,

  I have always enjoyed studying Maths, Physics and Chemistry, and I would like the opportunity to continue this study. Chemical Engineering appeals to me because of the challenges involved in the application of scientific theory to practical, real world problems such as how to deal with nuclear waste. I particularly look forward to studying fluid dynamics as I was introduced to this during the Engineering Education Scheme (EES). I am aware that in today’s world chemical engineering has an increasingly important role across a wide range of industries from pharmaceuticals to petrochemicals. The broad range of career paths, and the opportunity to contribute to society through technological innovation, is for me, one of the main attractions of chemical engineering.

  I have applied to take part in the Year In Industry scheme during which I hope to gain practical experience, as well as greater maturity enabling me to go into my degree course with improved skills and broader experience. I also hope to study e-learning courses on project management and presentation skills run by the IChemE. In Year 12 I took part in the EES, which improved my understanding and skills in team working, time management, and report writing, as well as visual and oral presentation. Throughout the course of the project the team had to frequently correspond with mentors in industry and academia and this experience has broadened my appreciation of practice and application in a real life situation. In July I attended a week-long ‘Into Engineering’ seminar run by REACT Engineering. Working in two teams, we were given a design exercise based upon a typical decommissioning project. I also attended a Headstart course at Newcastle University, which I thoroughly enjoyed. One of the main activities was to design, manufacture and test a small crane. I found both of these experiences very challenging, as we were given only limited time so we had to prioritise our tasks and carefully plan our work.This year a fellow student and I were awarded £500 by the European Scholarship Prize to fund a visit to Prague to do research for our A-level History coursework. I gained an understanding of the city’s culture and history and further developed my independence. During the summer I represented my school on a Connexions review of a government white paper on 14-19 education. I gained an insight into the government’s proposals and learned a lot about working with different groups of people. Last year I was part of the editorial team for the school magazine. I wrote a number of articles and I was responsible for ensuring that staff contributions were ready for the deadline. I also enjoy participating in a range of sports and have represented the school at football and cricket, which has further enhanced my team working skills.In my spare time I am working towards my Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. In September I completed a 4-day expedition in the Lake District, which tested my endurance but gave me a great sense of achievement. As part of the award I have been helping at the local youth café once a week, which I am really enjoying as it gives me the chance to meet new people. I also enjoy reading, particularly books on physics and Russian history. I am really interested in computers and I am currently trying to configure a Linux based file and print server for my home network.

  For admission to a university in England you have to fill in a form from the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). They for a very reasonable fee provide all applicants to unversities and colleges in the UK with a way to apply to up to 6 universities (or multiple courses at, say 3 universities). Part of the form (apart from all the obvious details such as name and address), is half a page where you are asked to write about yourself, your interests and so on. Inevitably you have to make it sound as good as possible, as you're trying to sell yourself to the universities you're applying to...I applied to the universities of Aston, Bath, Bristol, Cambridge, Imperial College London, and Loughborough. All for an MEng (Master of Engineering degree) in Chemical Engineering, except for Bristol where I went for an MEng in Computer Science, so this is tailored towards those courses. Anyway... Here it is. I don't guarantee that you won't get bored! ;-). (NB this was written in the summer of , and is therefore not too current!).Reasons for Course Choice

  Since beginning secondary school, I've been very interested in Chemistry and Computing. Besides my normal schoolwork I've read around these two subjects. Because I am also very keen on Mathematics and Physics, I want to pursue a degree course that combines all or most of these. Both of my parents are Science/Engineering graduates and they have taught me some of the qualities needed for a degree course in this field. This has encouraged me to find out about the opportunities available. Aims

  I have applied to several firms for sponsorship while at university and during a gap year, with the intention of getting Engineering-related work experience. This would give me valuable experience for the course at university. I hope to obtain a Master of Engineering degree and become employed in research and development in the oil or food industry. Eventually, I would like to do postgraduate study, and perhaps even teach Chemistry/Engineering. Interests

  I play basketball, tennis, volleyball, and I like kayaking. By far my biggest sports interest, however, is orienteering. I've won several trophies for Andalusian and league championships, and I've helped to organise regional orienteering events. I have also designed the database system for my club. My greatest interest outside school is computing. I have done a large amount of web design. I help maintain the computer systems at my father's workplace; and I also do some part time work teaching people on a one-to-one basis how to use their computers. I like writing manuals or “notes” on things related to computers, and have published an article on web design in a small US computer magazine. I have written papers on the use of data-logging and other equipment for my school's science department. This year, I was responsible for laying out my school's entire yearbook using DTP software. Recently, I was employed developing a web site and training staff for an organisation in London. When I have time I play the keyboard, and also do some sound engineering: I used to operate the mixing desk at my local church, as well as help at my parents' workplace, which is a professional recording studio. I enjoy teaching and have given weekly tuition in Maths and English. General Points

  I've lived in Spain for 14 years and am fluent in Spanish. In addition, my parents work with North Africans, Middle Easterners, Americans, Spaniards, Britons, and people of other nationalities. I have gained valuable experience growing up with many different cultures around me, and as a result appreciate the difficulties of cross-cultural communication. I have been part of several “King's Kids”, teams which perform music and dance all over Spain. This entailed travelling away from home for 3 weeks at a time, and having to work with around 60 other people. I think that this has made me a fairly rounded person, and I therefore feel confident about “fitting in” with people from any culture.

  Yours sincerely,










  1、因为是国际长途,首先要跟教授确定好是谁打给谁——有的教授可能希望学生打 到日本去,这就需要学生提前开通手机国际通话的业务,同时准备充足的话费,保证在面试当天,通话能够顺利进行。














  Dear _,

  Having a flair for Economics and accounting I have decided that I want a degree in Accounting and Finance or Management. The many brilliant representatives of the management community around the world have strengthened that resolve.

  When I worked in my school as a tutor of English as a Second Language for students from a community school in Muscat, I realized the importance of a strong leader who could organize, command respect, and be able to work well with others. These ideas were further enforced by my month long internship at Novartis Pharmaceutical (Accounts and Finance Department and Human Resources Department).

  I attended the Harvard Model Congress in Paris and won the Award of Distinction. One skill in particular that contributed to this award was my confident public speaking.

  The last 4 months have been crucial in my learning of real world business and economics. For my IB Extended Essay, titled “To What Extent Does Subway in Oman Operate as an Oligopoly”, I set out to prove the oligpolistic structure of the fast food market in Oman. In this effort, I have come across many real life complexities in pricing behaviour, profit making and other aspects of the Theory of the Firm. While attempting to explain these alternate theories of firms I have developed a keen interest in analyzing and understanding how the world of business works.

  After an undergraduate degree in accounting and finance or management I plan to go onto post graduate studies and work on an MBA. A strong performance in a BA will allow me to move onto an MBA and only then shall I be satisfied.

  For the last four years I have been part of our schools volleyball team ICE. We have retained our ISAC (Inter Schools Activities Conference, Middle East) title for four years. Playing in the power hitters (spiker) position requires immense physical fitness and to accomplish that I regularly go to the gym for fitness training. I am also part of my school track and field team. Being the fastest sprinter in the school since 11th grade the 100m, 200m and 400m races are my specialty even though I still pursue long distance running. In my spare time I explore and master the computer as I am conversant with a Visual Basic Programming course. It is imperative for me to have the latest hardware and software and I make it a point to install everything myself. I also learn Urdu as it is my native tongue and a link to my culture, to maintain that is crucial.

  Living in a diverse international community of over 52 nationalities has allowed to me recognize and appreciate different cultures. With the experience I have and the strong motivation to craft a bright future I feel I can justify my decision to pursue a career in Accounting and Finance or Management.

  Yours sincerely,


















  Dear _,

  An experienced engineer of security printing with China’s Central Bank, I now would like to scale higher intellectual heights by pursuing Ph. D. studies in mechanical engineering at your university. I believe that my strong background in CAD has adequately prepared me to embark on this endeavor.

  I have been working since for the People’s Bank of China, a Chinese version of the Federal Reserve, at its unique research institute of security printing, with the responsibility of designing the Chinese currency and the machinery to produce it. By engaging me in a variety of projects, the job afforded me ample exposure to cutting-edge developments in computer technologies, particularly in CAD software. I have, for example, recently redeveloped a purchased CAD (Computer Aided Design) software to make it more suitable for our own purposes. By adding our own part/subassembly to the database and make our own drawing criteria, we have achieved dramatically better efficiency.

  My job performance, which has won me professional respect from all of my colleagues, was achieved thanks to the strong background I acquired as a student in computer science. My undergraduate GPA ranked first among the 63 students of classmates in mechanical department, for which I was awarded first-class and second-class prizes many times. My graduate GPA ranked among the top 4% of the 105 students in my year, which won me the “San Hao” scholarship every year during the three years of my graduate studies.

  Unlike many other Chinese students, who are content with performing well in exams, I made a point of learning through my own hands-on experiences. In the Master’s program at the Beijing Institute of Printing, I gained an in-depth understanding of artificial intelligence, including expert system and genetic algorithm, especially in neural network. For my thesis, I programmed a multi-level BP neural network with C language to analyze my mathematical model, and applied much of my knowledge in optimization. I thus became able to program with a host of different computer languages, especially C++, with which I helped my graduate advisor to design a paper-cutting machine. To analyze the mechanism statically and dynamically, I programmed a software system to analyze and emulate it on screen. In undergraduate studies, I had often programmed with Fortran77 and the Basic language.

  Upon the completion of my Master’s studies, I easily passed the doctoral record examination in CAD/CAM of Beijing University, one f the top universities in China. But I gave up the opportunity in order to gain more practical experience in the industry. The decision proved to be right, as it guaranteed me better access to sophisticated facilities, such as state-of-the-art personal computers. With the People’s Bank of China, I have thus accumulated solid expertise in many kinds of operating and application software systems, particularly in CAD. I now have a firm grip on the latest developments in computer science in China.

  The challenges I met and the successes I achieved at the People’s Bank have not only endowed me with confidence but also fired off my desire to further improve myself. I have enjoyed high-quality and efficient production with the use of a kind of PC-based CAD software, MDT, developed by Autodesk Corporation. I now have a dream: some day, every person can design his favorite product with some sort of CAD software, and then search for an ideal factory over high-speed internet its production; and the factory will put specifications of the product, as it has received them via the high-speed internet into its CIMS, and out pops the product, as designed, at the end of the factory’s production line. It is a beautiful dream for every engineer, but many difficulties the speed of data-transfer and how to manage the product data among CAD, CAM, CAPP and CAE systems. These questions are fascinating, and I would like to come up with my own answers to them.

  To prepare myself for advanced studies in your country, I have persisted in improving my English proficiency. As demonstrated by my score of 700 (96%) in the verbal section of GRE, I now have an adequate command of English for undertaking graduate studies in your program.

  After carefully comparing the strengths of many universities, I find Mercy University particularly suited for my purpose. It has got the best combination of quality faculty, many state-of-the-art facilities, and an intriguing academic environment. Currently, China still lags significantly behind Western countries in mechanical engineering. I hope that, with a few years of graduate studies under your seasoned guidance, I will be able to return to my motherland and help bring mechanical engineering in my country to international standards.

  Although my ultimate objective is a Ph. D. degree, I am willing to do a Master’s degree if necessary. In either case, I would like to concentrate my studies in one or a combination of the following areas: CAD, CAM, CIMS, Computer graphics, Mechanical design, Mechanical manufacturing, Optimization, Artificial intelligence, and Robotics. Your favorable evaluation of my application will be highly appreciated.













  1)在递交签证申请时一定要向移民局同时提供三份贷款材料,他们是:个人留学贷款证明书(Certificate of Creditability Personal Loan for Study Abroad);个人存款证明书(Certificate of Deposit);贷款合同(Loan Contract);





























  3、不列颠哥伦比亚大学 University of British Columbia

















作为一个已拿到 offer 的機械工程专业的学生,我觉得那些分享经验的文章很实用,申请过程的确不容易啊。












机械工程留学申请 really needs a lot of time and effort. I started preparing months ago, but still feel overwhelmed. Does anyone have any other tips?















机械工程真的是一个令人着迷的领域,我希望能够在这个领域里有所贡献。 现在我正在认真学习英文和相关专业知识,努力让自己更胜一筹!












机械工程留学确实不容易,竞争激烈,但是只要我们认真准备,付出努力,一定有机会实现目标! 加油!
