

更新时间:2024-09-23 10:59:47作者:欧曼老师




主要的大学建筑群位于Alem 1253,设有中央图书馆以及大多数系和实验室。同一地点还有其他建筑:在12 de Octubre和San Juan街的交叉口,是人文、经济、地理和旅游以及行政科学系的建筑。与此同时,在被称为“Altos del Palihue”的地区,还有另一个综合体,农学和法律系就位于这里

如果你对这个小镇本身感到好奇——Bahia Blanca的意思是“白色海湾”,这个名字是因为覆盖海岸周围土壤的盐的典型颜色而得名的。费迪南德·麦哲伦在1520年的第一次航海之旅中看到了这个海湾。这座城市本身就是一座繁荣而充满活力的城市,其建筑具有很高的继承价值


The National University of the South is the largest national higher educational institution in Southern Argentina, in the city of Bahia Blanca in Buenos Aires. Established in 1956 with a motto meaning "through the difficulties to the truth", this university has undergone several changes. Initially it was absorbed by the Technological Institute of the South, a former affiliate of the National University of La Plata before becoming the seventh national university created in the country.

The new institution organised its academic structure into departments offering programmes to more than 20,000 undergraduate students and about 1,300 graduate students. Currently, UNS has 16 different departments offering degrees in the fields of agronomy, biochemistry, biology, chemistry, computer science, economics, electrical engineering, engineering, geography, geology, humanities, law, management, mathematics, medicine and physics.

The main university complex located at Alem 1253, houses the central library as well as most of the departments and laboratories. There are other buildings at the same premises: At the intersection of 12 de Octubre and San Juan streets, are the buildings for the departments of humanities, economics, geography and tourism, and administration sciences. Meanwhile, in the area known as "Altos del Palihue" there is another complex where the departments of agronomy and law are located.

If you’re curious about the town itself – Bahia Blanca means "White Bay", a name given to the estuary due to the typical color of the salt covering the soil surrounding the shores. Ferdinand Magellan saw the bay during his first navigation journey in 1520. The city itself is a thriving and dynamic city with an architecture that features high-inherited value.


  • 物理科学

    • 地质、环境、地球和海洋科学
    • 化学
    • 数学与统计学
    • 物理学与天文学
  • 计算机科学

    • 计算机科学
  • 临床、临床前和健康

    • 其他健康
    • 医学与牙科
  • 工程与技术

    • 通用工程
    • 电气与电子工程
    • 机械与航空航天工程
    • 化学工程
    • 土木工程
  • 商业与经济

    • 经济与计量经济学
    • 商业与管理
    • 会计与财务
  • 定律

    • 定律
  • 社会科学

    • 地理
  • 生命科学

    • 生物科学
    • 农业和林业
    • 体育科学
  • 艺术与人文

    • 建筑
    • 历史、哲学和神学
  • 教育

    • 教育


  • Physical sciences

    • Geology, Environmental, Earth & Marine Sciences
    • Chemistry
    • Mathematics & Statistics
    • Physics & Astronomy
  • Computer science

    • Computer Science
  • Clinical, pre-clinical & health

    • Other Health
    • Medicine & Dentistry
  • Engineering & technology

    • General Engineering
    • Electrical & Electronic Engineering
    • Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
    • Chemical Engineering
    • Civil Engineering
  • Business & economics

    • Economics & Econometrics
    • Business & Management
    • Accounting & Finance
  • Law

    • Law
  • Social sciences

    • Geography
  • Life sciences

    • Biological Sciences
    • Agriculture & Forestry
    • Sport Science
  • Arts & humanities

    • Architecture
    • History, Philosophy & Theology
  • Education

    • Education