

更新时间:2024-12-03 14:00:12作者:欧曼老师












UNAIR还启动了一项名为“有意义的研究和社区服务”的计划,重点是通过研究和社区事务为社区提供有意义的努力。在生命科学领域取得的卓越研究成果是生产过敏原提取物、牛羟基磷灰石(BHA)和卤虫培养物。在健康研究方面,Airlangga大学擅长传染病研究,包括轮状病毒、诺如病毒(病毒性腹泻)、HIV和抗菌感染。在新冠肺炎大流行期间,联合国艾滋病研究所还通过开发名为Vaksin Merah Putih的新冠肺炎疫苗参与了Sars-Cov-2的研究。在社会科学方面,UNAIR通过提供咨询和开展基于研究的社区发展活动,积极回答社会中的社会问题

过敏问题激发了该大学生产过敏原提取物的灵感。由于遗传和环境因素,尘螨引起的哮喘、花粉过敏和食物过敏等过敏性疾病的流行率在全球范围内不断上升,尤其是在发达国家。因此,Airlangga大学与Soetomo医生医院和PT Biofarma合作,开发了过敏原提取物教学行业。这是为了实现当地过敏原生产,以提高公共卫生质量并增加国家收入。该设施于2019年获得了印尼研究、技术和高等教育部的大学创新资助

研究领域的另一项创新是利用牛骨作为羟基磷灰石或牛羟基磷灰石(BHA)的来源。由于东爪哇原料丰富,羟基磷灰石的需求量大,开发潜力大,前景广阔。BHA成分被证明是可生物降解和生物相容的,可用于骨移植和骨再生。这项创新已经获得专利,并建立了教学产业。2021年,BHA教学行业预计将在印尼Inovasi Bioproduk公司(PT INOBI)的管理下开始生产,该公司是UNAIR的初创公司,也是PT的子公司。Dharma Putra Airlangga是Airlangga大学拥有的控股公司



    代谢干细胞、抗衰老干细胞产品海藻胶囊壳、透明胶囊壳作为药物递送系统Excelzyme-1、Excelzyme-2和Excelzyme-3,用于生物脱毒过程的环保生物产品,分别是BIO KSB-1、用作工业液体废物管理的微生物NONIKIT、氢醌检测试剂盒Dentolaser、有效的抗菌疗法和细胞生物调节工具各种草药产品,如Meditea、Diabetkol、Pro Slimpid和许多其他产品





    2019年和2020年毕业于SMA/MA/SMK/MAK或任何同等学校的申请人必须持有毕业证书。托福IBT(成绩60分)或托福CBT(成绩173分)、托福ITP(成绩500分)、雅思(成绩5.5分)、Airlangga英语能力测试-ELPT(成绩500)所示的英语语言能力。联系int@ppmb.https://www.timehighereeducation.com/cn/world-university-rankings/unair.ac.id要求其他ELPT证书的可接受性。可选择由Pusat Bahasa Unair在线管理的托福ITP。没有可能影响申请人学习的健康问题

    托福IBT(成绩60分)或托福CBT(成绩173分)、托福ITP(成绩500分)、雅思(成绩5.5分)、Airlangga英语能力测试-ELPT(成绩500)所示的英语语言能力。联系int@ppmb.https://www.timehighereeducation.com/cn/world-university-rankings/unair.ac.id要求其他ELPT证书的可接受性。可选择由Pusat Bahasa Unair在线管理的托福ITP。没有可能影响申请人学习的健康问题

    2019年和2020年高中毕业的申请人必须持有毕业证书。2021年高中毕业的申请人必须有一封信,说明申请人已高中毕业,由学校校长签名,并附上申请人的近照。托福IBT(成绩60分)或托福CBT(成绩173分)、托福ITP(成绩500分)、雅思(成绩5.5分)、Airlangga英语能力测试-ELPT(成绩500)所示的英语语言能力。联系int@ppmb.https://www.timehighereeducation.com/cn/world-university-rankings/unair.ac.id要求其他ELPT证书的可接受性。可选择由Pusat Bahasa Unair在线管理的托福ITP





    提交动机信,动机信应包括以下内容:攻读特定学位的原因,候选人可以为项目带来的素质,为什么Airlangga大学是候选人面试(Zoom Meeting)的最佳选择




通过电话(+6231-5956009、5956010、5956013)、Whatsapp:+62813 5885 0855&+62821 3861 1156电子邮件(int@ppmb.https://www.timehighereeducation.com.cn/world university rankings/unair.ac.id)、Facebook PPMB unair、Twitter@ppmbunair或Instagram@ppmbunair











通过电话(+6231-5956009、5956010、5956013)、Whatsapp:+62813 5885 0855&+62821 3861 1156电子邮件(int@ppmb.https://www.timehighereeducation.com.cn/world university rankings/unair.ac.id)、Facebook PPMB unair、Twitter@ppmbunair或Instagram@ppmbunair



学生还可以选择住在校园周围的公寓或寄宿公寓。在Karang Menjangan、Jojoran、Gubeng Kertajaya和Gubeng Airlangga(B校区)、Kali Kepiting和Mojo(a校区)、Sutorejo和Mulyorejo(C校区)有很多寄宿公寓


Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) is one of the best and one of the oldest universities in Indonesia.  It was established in 1954 by the First President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno. The university was named after a great king ruling East Java in 1019 known as Prabu Airlangga.

The Coat of Arms of Universitas Airlangga is the mythical bird Garuda ("Garudamukha") — the magical bird of Lord Vishnu depicted carrying an urn containing the eternal water "Amrta". It represents Universitas Airlangga's spirit to devote itself to knowledge and civilization.



  • 6 campuses
  • 15 faculties
  • 1 postgraduate school
  • 174 programs
  • 44 bachelor's degree programs
  • 46 master's degree programs
  • 15 doctoral programs
  • 7 professional programs
  • 33 medical specialist programs
  • 8 medical sub-specialist programs
  • 18 three-year vocational programs
  • 3 four-year vocational programs


Academic Reputation

Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has initiated a program called "Sustainable Education for All" aimed to improve the relevance and eligibility of graduates. It is reflected from four indicators, first graduates' salary, waiting period to be hired, graduates' work eligibility, and graduates' ability to create more jobs. It is an effort to improve the university's reputation among academics and graduate competence's relevance to the current industries. This program is supported by the implementation of Inter-Professional Education (IPE) and Outcome-Based Education (OBE).

Inter-Professional Education (IPE) is aimed to make students ready to work in a collaborative inter-professional environment. It has been implemented in the Faculty of Medicine since 2016. Most participants for IPE activities were achieved in 2019 with 870 students. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, 116 activities were still held in 2020, and in 2021, they are held online. The IPE activities have shown collaboration reinforcement among students in improving their knowledge and skills to achieve predetermined targets.

In terms of the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) approach, a learning strategy is developed based on projects and evidence. It is supported by the technological advancement as lectures are conducted through three ways of learning; online learning, hybrid learning and blended learning. Online learning is done synchronously and asynchronously. For the first semester of the 2020/2021 Academic Year, synchronous learning is held through 551 Virtual Classrooms used for 19,285 classes per week and 1 VC used for 83 webinars. The asynchronous learning is implemented through various methods, including the use of Learning Management System (LMS).

The teaching and learning activities utilizing technology are conducted through Learning Management System (LMS) and Massive Online Open Course (MOOC). LMS is accessible through the website: elearning.https://www.timeshighereducation.com/cn/world-university-rankings/unair.ac.id (AULA) and a mobile app: Airlangga Learning in Mobile App (ALMA). LMS makes it easier for lecturers and students to do teaching and learning activities because it has useful features such as material sharing, discussion forums, and evaluation. MOOC is about UNAIR learning materials accessible to the public. MOOC has provided 150 easily accessed learning materials in various topics.


Research Excellence

UNAIR also initiated a program called "Meaningful Research and Community Services" focused on providing meaningful efforts for the community through research and community services. Research excellence achieved in life science is the production of allergen extract, Bovine Hydroxyapatite (BHA), and Artemia culture. In health research, Universitas Airlangga excels in infectious diseases' research, including rotavirus, noroviruses (viral diarrhea), HIV, and antimicrobial infection. Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, UNAIR also takes parts in Sars-Cov-2 research by developing the Covid-19 vaccine called Vaksin Merah Putih. In social sciences, UNAIR actively answers social problems in society by providing counsel and conducting research-based community development activities.

Allergy problems inspired allergen extract production by the university. The prevalence of allergic diseases such as dust mite-caused asthma, pollen allergies, and food allergies is rising globally, especially in developed countries, due to genetic and environmental factors.  Therefore, Universitas Airlangga, in collaboration with Dr. Soetomo Hospital and PT Biofarma, has developed Allergen Extract Teaching Industry. It is an effort to realize local allergen production to improve public health quality and increase the state revenue. This facility received University Innovation Funding from Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in 2019.

Another innovation in the field of research is cow bone utilization as a source of hydroxyapatite or Bovine Hydroxyapatite (BHA). There is a great demand of hydroxyapatite and it is also potential and has a good prospect to be developed because the raw material is abundant in East Java. The BHA component is proven to be biodegradable and biocompatible, useful for bone graft and bone regeneration. The innovation has been patented and its teaching industry has been built. In 2021, BHA Teaching Industry is expected to start production under the management of PT Inovasi Bioproduk Indonesia (PT INOBI), a startup of UNAIR and a subsidiary of PT. Dharma Putra Airlangga as the Holding Company owned by Universitas Airlangga.

UNAIR has also made an innovation on Artemia, a group of crustaceans from phylum Arthopoda, also known as brine shrimp. Artemia is a type of natural feed that is indispensable in the business of shrimp and fish hatcheries. However, Indonesia still imports it and it is expensive. Based on information from Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, the imported Artemia cysts reach at least 40 tons. Universitas Airlangga's research aims at engineering Artemia cultivation which produces superior Artemia while at the same time improving the quality of salt in salt ponds. This research will produce two products, Artemia cysts and industrial salts. Artemia cysts are needed in fish/shrimp hatcheries as the main feed. There is a great demand for Artemia cysts from fish/shrimp hatcheries in Indonesia and it is still imported from several countries such as The USA, China, and European countries. With vast natural resources such as salt ponds, Indonesia must be directed to produce Artemia cysts and industrial salt to meet its market demand. These research results are expected to reduce and even stop fish/shrimp farmers' dependence on imported Artemia cyst products.

Some other university's innovations have been developed into teaching industry units and commercial academic products:

  • Metabolit Stem Cell, anti-aging stem cell product
  • Seaweed Capsule Shell, transparent capsule shell as drug delivery system
  • Excelzyme-1, Excelzyme-2, and Excelzyme-3, environmental-friendly bioproducts used for biodeinking process, improving ruminant cattle productivity from the feed and improving the quality of organic fertilizer, respectively
  • BIO KSB-1, microorganism used as industrial liquid waste management
  • NONIKIT, hydroquinone detecting kit
  • Dentolaser, effective antimicrobial therapy and cell biomodulation tool
  • Various herbal medicine products, such as Meditea, Diabetkol, Pro-Slimpid and many other products

There are also innovations on Active Biomolecular Development based on New Chemical Entity, Bio-resource Technology with advanced functionality enzyme-based material, and research on microorganism biodiversity and its application for germplasm conservation.

All of those innovations are made for the benefit of the community. Thus, research can be developed in line with community service. The research is conducted in collaboration with the government, industry, and other institutions or universities.  As an effort towards impactful research development, for the last couple of years, Universitas Airlangga has collaborated with 19 universities from 9 countries through World University Association for Community Development (WUACD). UNAIR also expands its collaboration network by joining international communities such as ASEA-UNINET consortium and organizing LUMINAIRe with ATU-NET. Therefore, UNAIR will gain more opportunities to engage in research and community services with global impacts.


Course entry requirements


  • Applicants graduated from SMA/MA/SMK/MAK or any equivalent school 2019 and 2020 must have a graduation certificate.
  • English Language Proficiency as indicated by TOEFL IBT (Score 60) or TOEFL CBT (Score 173), TOEFL ITP (Score 500), IELTS (Score 5.5), Airlangga English Language Proficiency Test – ELPT (Score 500). Contact int@ppmb.https://www.timeshighereducation.com/cn/world-university-rankings/unair.ac.id to ask for other ELPT certificate acceptability. TOEFL ITP online administered by Pusat Bahasa Unair can be an option.
  • Having no health issues that might disrupt the applicant’s study.


  • English Language Proficiency as indicated by TOEFL IBT (Score 60) or TOEFL CBT (Score 173), TOEFL ITP (Score 500), IELTS (Score 5.5), Airlangga English Language Proficiency Test – ELPT (Score 500). Contact int@ppmb.https://www.timeshighereducation.com/cn/world-university-rankings/unair.ac.id to ask for other ELPT certificate acceptability. TOEFL ITP online administered by Pusat Bahasa Unair can be an option.
  • Having no health issues that might disrupt the applicant’s study.


  • Applicants graduated from high schools in 2019 and 2020 must have a graduation certificate.
  • Applicants graduated from high schools in 2021 must have a letter stating that the applicants have graduated from high schools, signed by the school principal and with the applicants’ recent photo attached.
  • English Language Proficiency as indicated by TOEFL IBT (Score 60) or TOEFL CBT (Score 173), TOEFL ITP (Score 500), IELTS (Score 5.5), Airlangga English Language Proficiency Test – ELPT (Score 500). Contact int@ppmb.https://www.timeshighereducation.com/cn/world-university-rankings/unair.ac.id to ask for other ELPT certificate acceptability. TOEFL ITP online administered by Pusat Bahasa Unair can be an option.


Specific Requirements 

No. Study Programmes Specific Requirements
1 Medicine Not suffer from total colour blindness
2 Dental Medicine Not suffer from total colour blindness
3 Veterinary Not suffer from total colour blindness
4 Pharmacy Not suffer from total and partial colour blindness



International applicants:

  1. A letter of motivation submission, letter of motivation should cover the following: reason to pursue a specific degree, the qualities that the candidate can bring to the program, why Universitas Airlangga is the best option for the candidate
  2. Interview (with Zoom Meeting)

Indonesian applicants

  1. Portfolio submission, portfolio consists of: letter of personal statement that covers education achievement, experiences and awards (academic and non-academics) received in senior high school, letter of motivation and commitment that covers motivation and reasons for choosing the program, including a description of financial support for the study.
  2. Academic Potential Test (in English)
  3. Interview


For more information about IUP check out the website: https://iup.https://www.timeshighereducation.com/cn/world-university-rankings/unair.ac.id/prospective-students/entry-requirements/

Share your problems and inquiry about the admission to the Admissions Office via phone (+6231-5956009, 5956010, 5956013), Whatsapp: +62813 5885 0855 & +62821 3861 1156 Email (int@ppmb.https://www.timeshighereducation.com/cn/world-university-rankings/unair.ac.id), Facebook PPMB Unair, Twitter @ppmbunair or Instagram @ppmbunair.


Master’s and Doctoral Programs


International Applicants (WNA)


Required documents (format in jpg/pdf)

  1. A valid passport*
  2. A colour photo passport *
  3. Certified copy of the diploma in bachelor degree or equivalent (in English)*
  4. Certified copy of the academic transcript of bachelor degree (in English)*
  5. Certified copy of the diploma in master degree (in English)**
  6. Certified copy of the academic transcript of master degree (in English)**
  7. Certificate of English Proficiency (i.e. TOEFL, IELTS) for applicants from Non-English speaking countries
  8. Letter of motivation*
  9. Research Proposal*
  10. Academic recommendation letter from professors or potential supervisors **
  11. A recent curiculum vitae*

*) mandatory for all applicants

**) required for doctoral applicants



  1. Must have a Letter of Consent from the Government of The Republic of Indonesia when accepted as a student.
  2. Must have a recommendation letter from the Embassy of Republic of Indonesian Embassy in the student’s country of residence
  3. Must have adequate health status assessed by the Medical Teams of Universitas Airlangga when accepted as a student.


Online registration is available at http://admission.https://www.timeshighereducation.com/cn/world-university-rankings/unair.ac.id

Share your problems and inquiry about the admission to the Admissions Office via phone (+6231-5956009, 5956010, 5956013), Whatsapp: +62813 5885 0855 & +62821 3861 1156 Email (int@ppmb.https://www.timeshighereducation.com/cn/world-university-rankings/unair.ac.id), Facebook PPMB Unair, Twitter @ppmbunair or Instagram @ppmbunair.


Accommodation details

Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has provided dormitories for its students, for men and women, domestic or foreign students. The dormitories are located in Campus C with adequate facilities such as wide parking area, great internet connection and excellent security services. To support students’ mobility between campuses in Surabaya, flash buses are provided free of charge. They are clean, comfortable and safe. They arrive at the bus stops in each campus every half an hour.

Students also have an option to stay in an apartments or boarding house around the campus area. There are a lot of boarding houses found in Karang Menjangan, Jojoran, Gubeng Kertajaya dan Gubeng Airlangga (Campus B), Kali Kepiting and Mojo (Campus A), Sutorejo and Mulyorejo (Campus C).





听说 Airlangga 大学的研究实力很强,特别是医学和工程专业。想去那边读书看看!



我一直对东南亚的文化非常感兴趣,Airlangga 大学就坐落在雅加达,我想体验一下那里的生活氛围。



选大学的时候,一直犹豫要不要去 Airlangga 大学。听说那边老师很权威、教学质量很高,但又怕融入不了当地生活环境复杂...



Airlangga 大学的校风和国内大学差别蛮大的,听说更注重学生的自主学习能力。






我在 Airlangga 大学读了一个月的交换生课程,感觉很充实也很开派!雅加达城市生活节奏很快很现代化,还有些传统文化底蕴。不过就是交通有点拥堵...



Airlangga 大学的就业机会确实比较好,尤其是在工程和IT领域。但听说竞争也蛮激烈的。



我对 Airlangga 大学的研究项目很有兴趣,尤其是他们做的生物科技研究,感觉非常前沿。



很多同学觉得 Airlangga 大学的学费偏贵,性价比可能不那么高?



去大学的时候想去体验新鲜事物的Airlangga 大学应该挺适合我吧!听说那里的国际化氛围浓厚,认识国际友人!



Airlangga 大学的宿舍条件还可以,但周围环境不太理想,需要自己规划安全。



我想申请 Airlangga 大学的研究生项目,他们在这方面也挺有优势的,希望能顺利入学。



听说 Airlangga 大学的学生生活丰富多彩,有很多社团活动和节庆活动可以参与?



Airlangga 大学的师资力量还是很强大的,尤其是他们的知名教授。不过申请难度应该也不小...



我一直觉得,Airlangga大学能提供不同于国内高校教学的一个方向... 学习环境或许比较陌生?



我去过 Airlangga 大学,感觉校园气氛很活跃,学生们都很热情善良。学习氛围也很紧张!不过语言障碍是需要克服的难题。



Airlangga 大学虽然不是顶尖名校,但还是值得一去的潜力大学,未来发展空间很大!



想去东南亚留学的话,Airlangga 大学是个不错的选择,文化交流学习的机会多,而且生活便利度相对高...


