更新时间:2024-01-30 23:58:13作者:欧曼老师
苏格兰农村学院(SRUC)支持英国和国际农业和农村部门的创新和可持续发展。我们是英国以农业为重点的高等教育机构之一,提供研究、教育和咨询服务。SRUC的研究和教育活动在苏格兰的六个校区、八个农场和研究中心开展。我们的咨询部门SAC Consulting为英国25个咨询办公室和8个兽医疾病监测中心的12000多个农场和农村企业提供支持。SRUC的三个部门相互密切互动,以实用的方式向那些能够使用知识并从中受益的人提供知识。SRUC成立于2012年,由Barony、Elmwood、Oatridge学院和苏格兰农业学院(SAC)合并而成
Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) supports innovation and sustainable development in agriculture and the rural sector in Britain and internationally. We are one of the UK’s agriculturally-focused higher education institutions, offering a blend of research, education and consultancy. SRUC’s research and education activities operate from six campuses and eight farms and research centres across Scotland. Our consultancy arm, SAC Consulting, supports more than 12,000 farms and rural businesses across the UK from 25 consultancy offices and eight veterinary disease surveillance centres. SRUC’s three divisions interact closely with one another to deliver knowledge to those who can use and benefit from it a practical way. SRUC was established in 2012 through the merger of Barony, Elmwood, Oatridge Colleges and the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC).