

更新时间:2024-10-18 12:59:33作者:小茜





Sharing New Year's Eve traditions around the world


Written by Mary Gabbett

(Original address: https://green global travel. com/Celebrate the New Year tradition and travel around the world/)

Translated and edited by Spark Liao

Then there is the New Year tradition celebrated by people all over the world. These common customs are part of the reason why New Year has become one of the most popular festivals on earth. Let's look at some traditions that transcend time zones, borders and cultures.


1. Sing the New Year song Auld Lang Syne.


Singing "Auld Lang Syne" at midnight is found all over the English-speaking world and beyond. This traditional Scottish folk song was adapted (not written) by the beloved poet robert burns in 1783. The literal "auld lang syne" translates as "a long time ago", which means "the past days". Since then, it has become a common celebration song-wedding, graduation ceremony, funeral and so on. -All of Scotland. For nearly two and a half centuries, Auld Lang Syne has become the most popular New Year song in the world.

The tradition of singing this song at midnight on New Year's Eve was popularized by Canadian band Guy Rembado and Royal Canadians. The band, from an area of Ontario where Scots settled, often covers this song, partly to promote one of the sponsors of their radio program "Cigars in robert burns". In 1928, the band had the opportunity to perform on New Year's Eve and ended the performance with Auld Lang Syne. This became the closing speech of the program for nearly 50 years, and it was also the rest of Rembado's life.

加拿大乐队盖伊伦巴多(Guy Lombardo)和皇家加拿大人(Royal Canadians)普及了在新年前夜的午夜唱这首歌的传统。这个乐队来自安大略省的一个苏格兰地区,经常翻唱这首歌。



2. New Year's resolutions


People have made New Year's resolutions for thousands of years, dating back to ancient Mesopotamia.


The tradition began as part of a 12-day New Year Festival (which was celebrated in March) called Akitu, during which citizens of Babylonia would swear an oath to the sitting king or allegiance to a new one. The Romans did a similar thing, also in March, devoting themselves to the Emperor. In the mid-1700s, the Methodist Church used the New Year to encourage its members to renew their commitments to God.



Today, most resolutions are neither an oath to the kingdom nor a religious tradition. On the contrary, they are usually commitments to self-improvement. Unfortunately, research shows that although nearly half of Americans make up their minds every year, less than 10% of them stick to it.


Here are some of the most important New Year's resolutions:

Exercise more/Get in shape

Lose weight

Get organized

Learn a new skill or hobby

Live life to the fullest

Save more money/spend less money

Quit smoking

Spend more time with family and friends

Drink less

Eat more at home


Look at cell phone less

Reduce stress

Get more sleep

Travel more

















3. New Year fireworks


Invented in ancient China, fireworks were originally made from dried bamboo stalks. When thrown in a roaring fire, they would emit loud bangs. These were later filled with gunpowder (which was also a Chinese invention) to enhance the explosive effect. Finally, the bamboo was replaced by paper (another Chinese invention). Around the 12th century, gunpowder and fireworks gradually worked their way over to Europe.



Since the beginning, fireworks have been used to scare away evil spirits and enemies. Because the holiday is often associated with starting anew, fireworks have long been a part of New Year celebrations, setting up partygoers for a positive year to come. Today, the tradition of setting off fireworks as part of New Year celebrations is pretty much a staple all around the world.



4. New Year Champagne


Champagne, some people claim, was originally an English invention as opposed to a French one. The Brits developed the technology to bottle carbonated drinks in the late 1500s. Using techniques translated from making cider, they began to make sparkling wines (of which Champagne is one variety). This invention also required creating stronger glass bottles that could withstand the pressure built up inside by the fermented drink.



Later, champagne became a popular drink for European royal celebrations. In the late 19th century, when the price began to drop and the manufacturers began to sell this drink to ordinary people, it finally became a worldwide phenomenon. Although ordinary people can't afford daily table wine, they can afford it on special occasions. It has become particularly popular in New Year celebrations, because opening the bottle will produce a crackling sound similar to fireworks, and drinks will flow out in large quantities.



5. New Year's Kiss


The tradition of sharing a New Year’s Eve kiss at the stroke of midnight has been featured in countless classic movies, from The Godfather II to When Harry Met Sally. The custom is now a part of most modern New Year’s celebrations.

从《教父II》 到《当哈利遇见莎莉》 ,无数经典电影都有在午夜时分分享新年之吻的传统。这一习俗现在是大多数现代新年庆祝活动的一部分。

Amazingly, the practice has been around for millennia, beginning with the Roman festival of Saturnalia. Lots of meaning has been attributed to the kiss over the years. In Roman times, it was more an act of basic debauchery. German and English folklore cited that the first person you encountered in the New Year (and how that encounter went) would set the tone for the rest of the year. Attendees of masked balls in Europe used it as an act of purification after removing their masks. These days, it’s widely believed that failing to share a midnight kiss on New Year’s Eve foretells a year of romantic loneliness.




However (and wherever) you may celebrate the New Year, most people around the world embrace and honor the passage of time with mixtures of reverence and revelry. It’s yet another thing that shows just how similar, yet unique, our planet’s diverse array of cultures are. We value analogous things and celebrate in our own ways. But we all love to share these moments we hold sacred. We should all remember and relish the customs and traditions that unite us this New Year’s. At a moment when division and dissidence seems inevitable, we still have each other.



关于新年传统7:除了放烟花,世界各地还有哪些流行的习俗和新年传统7:除了放烟花,世界各地还有哪些流行的习俗的介绍到此就结束了,不知道你从中找到你需要的信息了吗 ?如果你还想了解更多这方面的信息,记得收藏关注本站。