

更新时间:2025-01-27 06:59:26作者:巧巧







Let's talk about the temperature first.

1. Heat (heat)

1) Very hot weather can be described as scorching, sultry or boiling (extremely hot):


Open the window; It's hot in here! Open the window, it's terribly hot in here! )


2) If it's the kind of heat that makes you feel like you can't breathe, it's suffocation or oppression.


The equatorial region is unbearably hot. (The equatorial region is very hot. )

2. Cold (cold)

1) At the other end of the scale, if we find very cold weather unpleasant, we can describe it as freezing, biting or even biting (extremely cold):


It's really cold outside today. It's freezing outside today. )


2)Wintry is also very cold, but this is not necessarily a negative description-it can be used to describe a pleasant snowy or icy day (cold,

The cold weather caused chaos on the road. The road is in chaos because of the snowstorm. )


3, neither cold nor hot (neither cold nor hot)

Between these two extremes, mild (mild) is a positive adjective, indicating that the weather is not particularly hot, but it is not too cold:





The weather in some areas is changeable or unpredictable, which means it won't stay the same for a long time, and you can't guess what it will look like (changeable; Unpredictable):

The climate in this small city is changeable. This small town has a changeable climate. )



Unfortunately, we are seeing more and more extreme weather conditions in the world, with terrible storms, hurricanes and tornadoes (very strong winds).

1) We describe a bad storm as violent, violent or powerful (violent):




2) When they cause a lot of damage, we can say that they are destructive (destructive), and freak (abnormal) storms are unusual and unexpected in an area.



3) Besides adjectives, verbs can also be used to add impact and interest to your writing. For example, we can say that a storm has torn a place, or it is raging.



4) windy: some good words to describe the wind include gust (when it starts and stops) and biting (biting,

Very cold) and howling (howling when it makes a loud noise).


She braved the biting cold wind and went out to beg from door to door. She went out to beg from door to door in spite of the biting wind. )

As they walked, they heard the wind whistling around them, and they became more and more afraid. As they walk, they only feel the wind howling around and fear rising in their hearts.

5) Rain: The rainstorm is pouring down (pouring down). Although it is very light, the drizzle is misty (continuous drizzle) and persistent (continuous) rain lasts for a long time. We talk about pouring rain or knocking on the window (pouring rain):


I like the rainy season best, and I also like the rainy day with silver fluttering best. (I love this misty season, and I love this day when silver is flying.



It is raining cats and dogs outside. It is raining cats and dogs outside. )

The rain pounded against the window. The rain is beating against the window. )

6) Sunrise: Glorious (brilliant) sunshine is hot and pleasant, but too hot sunshine can be described as fierce or intense (intense). We talk about scorching sun (blazing) or about sunshine flowing into a place (floating). The hazy sunshine makes it difficult to see the scenery clearly.

In the glorious sun, I had classic Shanghai dumplings that were tastier and juicier than the usual variety. ( 在暖暖的阳光下,

The intense heat has dried up the pond. (酷热使池水干枯。)

The blazing sun beats down in summer. (夏日骄阳似火。)

The mellow November sun came streaming into the room. (11月的柔和阳光泻进房来。)

They watched the hazy sun, sinking in the sea. (他们凝视着朦胧的太阳,沉没在海中。)

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