

更新时间:2024-09-09 21:59:58作者:欧曼老师


Abdolali Gola博士于1971年创立了理学院,该学院后来成为拉兹大学的前身。这所大学是以穆罕默德·本·扎卡里亚·拉齐的名字命名的,他是三世纪伟大的伊朗学者之一。他被认为是伊斯兰教和中世纪最优秀的临床医生之一,也是一个道德高尚的人,经常帮助那些需要帮助的人




该大学位于伊朗西部城市克尔曼沙。如今,这座城市吸引着游客前往其文化遗址,如比索顿和Taq-e Bustanis的阿契曼和萨珊雕刻


Dr Abdolali Gola founded the Faculty of Science in 1971, which became the predecessor of Razi University. The university is named after Mohammad bin Zakaria Razi who is one of the great Iranian scholars of the third century. He was considered one of the finest clinical physicians of Islam and the Middle Ages, as well as a man with good morals who often helped those in need.

When the university first opened it only had one faculty, the Faculty of Sciences, offering degree programmes in biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics. It has since expanded and now has 10 faculties: literature and humanities, agriculture, sport sciences, veterinary medicine, chemistry, science, social sciences, new sciences and technologies, engineering, and management and accounting.

In recent years Razi University has become a research centre specialising in the areas of STEM. It has carried out research projects in the fields of computational fluid dynamics, membrane research, nano-science and nanotechnology.

The university has developed partnerships with higher education institutions around the world to facilitate academic and scientific exchange. Some of the university’s international partner institutions include the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, the University of Thessali in Greece and the University of Lille in France.

The university is situated in Kermanshah, a city in western Iran. Today the city attracts tourists to its cultural sites such as the Achaemanid and Sassanid carvings of Bisotun and Taq-e Bustanis.


  • 生命科学

    • 兽医科学
    • 生物科学
    • 农业和林业
    • 体育科学
  • 商业与经济

    • 会计与财务
    • 商业与管理
    • 经济学与计量经济学
  • 工程与技术

    • 化学工程
    • 机械与航空航天工程
    • 电气与电子工程
    • 土木工程
  • 定律

    • 定律
  • 物理科学

    • 物理与天文学
    • 数学与统计学
    • 化学
  • 计算机科学

    • 计算机科学
  • 艺术与人文

    • 语言、文学与语言学
    • 考古学
    • 历史、哲学和神学
    • 体系结构
  • 社会科学

    • 社会学
    • 地理
    • 政治与国际研究(包括发展研究)
  • 心理学

    • 心理学


  • Life sciences

    • Veterinary Science
    • Biological Sciences
    • Agriculture & Forestry
    • Sport Science
  • Business & economics

    • Accounting & Finance
    • Business & Management
    • Economics & Econometrics
  • Engineering & technology

    • Chemical Engineering
    • Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
    • Electrical & Electronic Engineering
    • Civil Engineering
  • Law

    • Law
  • Physical sciences

    • Physics & Astronomy
    • Mathematics & Statistics
    • Chemistry
  • Computer science

    • Computer Science
  • Arts & humanities

    • Languages, Literature & Linguistics
    • Archaeology
    • History, Philosophy & Theology
    • Architecture
  • Social sciences

    • Sociology
    • Geography
    • Politics & International Studies (incl Development Studies)
  • Psychology

    • Psychology