更新时间:2025-01-22 10:59:32作者:欧曼老师
基多旧金山大学(USFQ)是其主要推动者Santiago Gangotena González和许多其他人无私贡献的梦想的实现者。1988年,厄瓜多尔第一所完全自筹资金的大学USFQ迎来了12位创始院士。USFQ最初有三所学校——管理促进发展;传播与文化;和应用科学。随着时间的推移,新的学术学科被增加,并被组织成新的学校。到1992年,共有六所学校:管理促进发展;传播与艺术;环境科学;应用科学;社会科学与人文学科;和语言。后两者后来合并为文学院。随后,建立了新的学校:建筑;健康科学;理工学院;法律酒店和烹饪艺术;食品、农业商业和营养;技术;研究生院;和教育。25年后,经过一些整合,该大学被组织成11所学校,几乎涵盖了所有主要的知识学科。如今,USFQ已将自己定位为一所优质大学,其毕业生在当地和国际上的高安置率以及在其他国家完成研究生学习的学生所表现出的卓越表现证明了这一点。同样,通过在索引期刊上的出版物和参加国际大会,美国佛罗里达大学教员在世界范围内得到认可。USFQ是第一所积极参与两项具有世界重要性的发现的厄瓜多尔大学:顶夸克和宇宙中物质和反物质不对称的第一个证据
University of San Francisco, Quito (USFQ) is the realisation of a dream by its main promoter, Santiago Gangotena González, and the selfless contributions of many others. In 1988, the first fully self-financed university in Ecuador, USFQ, opened its doors with 12 founding academicians. USFQ began with three schools Management for Development; Communication and Culture; and Applied Sciences. As time went by, new academic disciplines were added, and they were organised into new schools. By 1992, there were six schools: Management for Development; Communication and Arts; Environmental Sciences; Applied Sciences; Social Sciences and Humanities; and Languages. These last two were later combined into the School of Liberal Arts. Subsequently, new schools were founded: Architecture; Health Sciences; the Polytechnic School; Law; Hospitality and Culinary Arts; Food, Agro-business and Nutrition; Technologies; of Graduate Studies; and Education. Twenty-five years later, and after some consolidation, the university is organised into 11 schools, which cover almost all major disciplines of knowledge. Today, USFQ has positioned itself as a quality university, as evidenced by the high rate of placement of its graduates, both locally and internationally, as well as the excellence demonstrated by students who have completed postgraduate studies in other countries. Similarly, USFQ faculty members are recognised worldwide through their publications in indexed journals, and through their participation in international congresses. USFQ is the first Ecuadorian university to have actively participated in two discoveries of worldwide importance: the top quark and the first evidence of the asymmetry between matter and antimatter in the universe.