

更新时间:2025-02-17 00:59:12作者:欧曼老师


德黑兰医学科学大学(TUMS)成立于1851年,名为Dar ol Fonoon,是伊朗最古老的医学中心。它有160多年的历史,是该地区最负盛名的医学大学之一。它汇集了一个由教师、学生和工作人员组成的社区,他们在伊朗提供教育、进行研究并领导公共服务倡议。它专注于为与社区健康和福祉相关的一系列医疗问题创造新的疗法。TUMS毕业生和专业学校表达了该大学对研究、严格标准和创新知识应用的承诺。TUMS被国际学院认证服务机构(ASIC)认证为“一流大学”。TUMS由12所学校、80多个研究中心、15个科学中心、9个省的9个教育和健康研究站、5个技术孵化中心、16家拥有7000张活跃床位的医院和44个图书馆组成。它提供专业本科生和研究生学位


Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), founded in 1851 as Dar-ol-Fonoon , is the oldest medical centre in Iran. With a history of more than 160 years, it stands as one of the most prestigious universities of medical sciences in the region. It brings together a community of faculty, students and staff who provide education, conduct research and take the lead in public service initiatives in Iran. It focuses on creating new therapies for a broad array of medical issues related to the community’s health and well-being. TUMS graduates and professional schools express the university’s commitment to research, rigorous standards and innovative application of knowledge. TUMS is accredited by Accreditation Services for International Colleges (ASIC) as a “premier university”. TUMS consists of 12 Schools, more than 80 research centres, 15 scientific pivots, nine educational and health research stations in nine provinces, five technology incubator centres, 16 hospitals with 7,000 active beds and 44 libraries. It offers specialised undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.


  • 临床、临床前和健康

    • 医学和牙科
  • 生命科学

    • 生物科学


  • Clinical, pre-clinical & health

    • Medicine & Dentistry
  • Life sciences

    • Biological Sciences