更新时间:2025-03-23 09:58:35作者:欧曼老师
德班理工大学成立于2002年,由两个著名的机构合并而成:ML Sultan和Technikon Natal。该大学位于夸祖鲁-纳塔尔的两个城市:沿海城市德班和首都皮特马里茨堡
皮尔马里茨堡市拥有多所学校和大学,创造了多样化的学生环境。这座城市拥有丰富的娱乐和景点供学生和游客欣赏。这里是南非历史最悠久的足球俱乐部Savages FC的所在地。景点包括:阿尔伯特瀑布自然保护区、夸祖鲁-纳塔尔博物馆和国家植物园。沿海城市德班是南非人口第三多的城市,被联合国教科文组织授予文学之都的地位,并举办了2015年国际足联世界杯。在这里,学生们可以进入沙滩,如黄金英里海滩,以及温暖的亚热带气候来享受
The Durban University of Technology was established in 2002 with the merging of two prestigious institutions: ML Sultan, and Technikon Natal. The university is located in two of KwaZulu-Natal’s cities: the coastal city of Durban and the capital city of Pietmaritzburg.
The university has six faculties in total: accounting and informatics, applied sciences, arts and design, engineering and the built environment, health sciences, and management sciences. Across these faculties, students can enroll in courses from ecotourism to emergency medical care to chemical engineering among others. Students can study from undergraduate, to postgraduate and doctorate levels.
There is also a writing centre and centre for excellence in learning and teaching. To aid students in their entrepreneurial activities, they have access to both the Durban and Midlands Entrepreneurial Centre and Desks as a platform for students to create start-up companies and make their business ideas a reality. They also have access to the award-winning Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and Rapid Incubator, helping students to develop sustainable student and community enterprises.
The city of Piermaritzburg is home to several schools and universities creating a diverse student environment. The city hosts an abundance of entertainment and attractions for students and visitors to enjoy. It is home to the oldest football club in South Africa, Savages FC. Attractions include: Albert Falls Nature Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal Museum and National Botanical Garden. The coastal city of Durban is the third most populous city in South Africa, it has been awarded the UNESCO City of Literature status, and hosted the 2015 FIFA World Cup. Here, students have access to sandy beaches, such as the Golden Mile Beach, as well as a warm subtropical climate to enjoy.