
What's the difference between preferring and preferring?

更新时间:2025-01-28 18:59:23作者:敏敏

大家好,关于What's the difference between preferring and preferring?很多朋友都还不太明白,今天小编就来为大家分享关于What's the difference between preferring and preferring?的知识,希望对各位有所帮助!




I would rather




Correct. We'd rather go on Monday.

We would rather go . or we would rather go .


I would rather not fly. I hate airplanes.


She would rather spend her money on a holiday. (Money was not spent on holidays)

I'd rather watch this movie in the cinema than watch DVD. I watched this movie on DVD.



: now or in the future I'd rather they do something about it than just talk about it.

Would you rather I was dishonest with you now or in the future?

I'd rather you didn't call me at work in the past.

(3) prefer

当我们想强调的时候,我们会用would much的用法。在英语口语中,我们会强调很多以示强调。比如:

I'd rather make a phone call than send an email.

She would rather they didn't know what happened.

(4) I would rather not.


A: Do you want to go for a coffee?

I'd rather not, if you don't mind.

Second, it will be faster and as soon as possible.

Would rather and as soon as possible in usage and would rather, such as:

I really don't want to go to France again this year. I would rather go to Spain.

Thank you for your invitation, but if you don't mind, we'd rather stay at home and watch the game on TV.

相比较而言,would happy比would just as happy更常用,但宁肯是最常用的。



1.宁愿跟动词原形,而不是不定式to do或动名词ing形式。比如:

Correct. I don't need a ride, thank you. I would rather walk.

Wrong. I'd rather walk Or I'd rather walk.


Correct. I'd rather they didn't tell anyone.

Wrong. I don't want them to tell anyone.

For example, she would rather you didn't call after 10 o'clock.

She doesn't want you to call after 10 o'clock.

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