
罗马尼亚Ion Mincu建筑与城市主义大学

更新时间:2024-02-17 01:58:00作者:欧曼老师


Ion Mincu建筑与城市主义大学位于布加勒斯特老城的中心,为未来的建筑师、产品设计师、纪念碑修复师以及景观、领土和城市设计师提供培训。该大学的校友包括在世界各地工作的获奖建筑师和设计师,包括Serban Enache和Oana Vinatoru

Ion Mincu有三个学院:建筑、室内建筑和城市主义。所有课程都提供不同的研究生和本科生课程。目前有1800多名学生入学


这所大学的名字来源于Ion Mincu,他是一位建筑师,被一些人视为新罗马尼亚风格的创造者,将中世纪的罗马尼亚特色融入了19世纪的建筑中。该大学的主要总部包括一座由明库的同时代人之一Grigore Cerchez设计的建筑

自1982年以来,该大学开设了一个专门研究罗马尼亚建筑史的博物馆。Ion Mincu声称其图书馆是该国最古老的专业藏书。Ion Mincu也是几个专业研究机构的所在地,如乡土建筑研究中心

Ion Mincu的学生有机会在欧洲50所合作大学之一留学。罗马尼亚和其他国家的建筑和设计公司定期组织工作实习


Located in the heart of Bucharest’s old town, Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism provides training for future architects, product designers, monument restorers, as well as landscape, territorial and urban designers. The university’s alumni include award-winning architects and designers working around the world including Serban Enache and Oana Vinatoru.

There are three faculties at Ion Mincu: architecture, interior architecture and urbanism. All offer a mixture of different graduate and undergraduate courses. Over 1,800 students are currently enrolled.

The university’s six-year, full-time architecture diploma is valid for professional practice in all other European Union member states. This qualification also means that anyone intending to work as an architect in the UK would not have to pass the qualification exams set by the Royal Institute of British Architects.

Ion Mincu, who gave the university its name, was an architect viewed by some as the creator of the Neo-Romanian style, which integrated medieval Romanian features into 19th Century building constructions. The university’s main headquarters includes a building designed by Grigore Cerchez, one of Mincu’s contemporaries.

Since 1982, the university has operated a museum dedicated to the history of architecture in Romania. Ion Mincu claims its library is the oldest specialist book collection in the country. Ion Mincu is also home to several specialist research facilities, such as the Centre of Studies in Vernacular Architecture.

Students at Ion Mincu have the opportunity to study abroad in one of 50 partner universities across Europe. Work placements are regularly organised at architectural and design firms in both Romania and other countries.


  • 艺术与人文

    • 建筑


  • Arts & humanities

    • Architecture